No other tutors support students better

Why become a TutorsPlus Tutor?

Our tutors truly are the magic ingredient that leads to students’ increased confidence, enjoyment of learning, independence and success.

If you are someone who gets fulfilment and satisfaction from crafting a personalised approach that will enable a student to reach their full potential, then we look forward to hearing from you.

What skills and qualifications do I need?

— Bachelor’s degree at a minimum
— Prior experience tutoring or teaching
— Fluency in English
— Experience working with children
— Strong communication and organisational skills
— A professional approach
— No criminal record

Become a Tutor

Please ensure you fill in all details, upload your CV, any qualifications and all skills. Unfortunately, unless your profile is 100% complete we cannot consider you for a tutoring position.

  • Please provide all subject(s) you can teach and to what level:
  • Please add all subjects and levels in the box below.
  • Add details of students tutored, age, level, curriculum, duration of tuition.
  • (i.e. times/days)
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
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